For the avoidance of doubt, as lawyers like to say,
companies can eliminate their corporate travel emissions in only one way, and
that’s not to travel.
Yet, though that has happened during the coronavirus
pandemic, business trips are not about to cease permanently. Even a slew of
professional service firms which have made public net zero emission pledges in
recent months have committed to reduce their travel-related emissions by,
typically, 30 percent to 35 percent from 2019 levels—certainly not 100 percent.
But once companies have cut emissions by cutting their
demand, is there any point in going on to address supply as well? Can a
company’s choice of, and engagement with, travel suppliers contribute in any
meaningful way to tackling the climate crisis?
There is even an argument that a few token environmental
questions in a request for proposal deflects companies’ responsibility for
reducing their travel-generated pollution from themselves to their suppliers.
In that case, is attempting to green the supply chain futile at best,
counter-productive at worst?
Absolutely not, according to those in travel who have
engaged deeply with sustainability issues. “Managing demand is more important
than managing suppliers but yes, it is still worthwhile,” said Daniel Tallos,
travel buyer for a large retail industry company.
Supplier engagement makes total sense for two key reasons,
Tallos and other travel managers and sustainability experts maintain. The first
is that some supplier choices genuinely are less polluting than others. The
second, perhaps overlooked, reason is that corporate customer pressure forces
suppliers to go greener.
However, pressure of this kind is likely to succeed only if
suppliers detect sincerity from their customers. BTN’s survey of travel buyers
conducted for this special issue, suggests attitudes vary widely. While 14
percent ask travel suppliers for granular detail about emissions reduction, and
another 30 percent for “some detail”, 11 percent characterize their requests as
no more than “checkbox-type” information requests and 26 percent say there is
no engagement with suppliers on sustainability at all. Nearly a fifth of travel
buyers don’t know.
Then there is the question of what action clients take on
the information they receive: 31 percent deploy no sustainability criteria in
their supplier decision-making and 3 percent admit to not seriously considering
the answers they do receive. Another 19 percent say pricing outweighs
suppliers’ sustainability records, while 36 percent say environmental factors
are influential only if all other decision factors are equal.
However, 12 percent of buyers are doing things differently.
They say supplier alignment on sustainability goals significantly factors into
partner selection.
To make that difference, said Andrew Perolls, CEO of
sustainable travel consultancy Greengage, “buying decisions need to balance
convenience, cost and CO2.” But companies need to show real intent to convert
this neatly alliterative slogan into practice. For Julia Fidler, senior sustainability
program manager for procurement at Microsoft, that means upending traditional
procurement practice and operating a double bottom line: one for financial
performance and a second for environmental impact.
“We’ve delivered a signal by sharing that we’re willing to
pay extra for sustainable fuel,” said Fidler. “Our ability to say we have
looked at this beyond the normal procurement perspective has had a ripple
effect. The interest from our peers and suppliers has been fantastic.”
Making Lower-Carbon Buying Choices
“Before choosing between two airlines, we have to think: ‘do
we need to travel?’” said Horst Bayer, founder of TravelHorst Sustainable
Business Travel Consulting. “If we decide it is necessary to travel, then yes,
we should look at whether one is more environmentally friendly than another.”
Factors which inform this determination are complex. They
include aircraft type, engine choice, load factor, fuel selection, route and
altitude flown. According to Cait Hewitt, deputy director of the UK-based
Aviation Environment Foundation, which campaigns on the impact of aviation on
people and the environment, the differences can be huge. “The work most helpful
to us is done by The International Council on Clean Transportation, which
suggests there can be a difference of 60 percent on a transatlantic flight from
one airline to another,” she says.
Perolls cites evaluations by business travel carbon
reporting consultancy Susterra of flight options to Glasgow from London’s five
airports. If customers choose London City Airport, CO2 emissions per kilometer
can be 43 percent higher than from Gatwick because of the steepness of the
climb on take-off and smaller aircraft types used.
However, obtaining reliable data for buyers to favor
airlines which pollute less is difficult; and putting that information in front
of travelers is even harder. Lack of data is the story asserted most
consistently and with most frustration by every interviewee for this article.
“It’s worth trying to do but it’s not information that’s easy to get at time of
booking,” said Hewitt. “It doesn’t seem possible to enter ‘most fuel-efficient
airline’ as a search criterion. You might get an airline’s average efficiency
but it’s harder on a route basis.”
Lack of visibility is also the most critical challenge
identified by Mark Avery, global business services and travel leader for PWC.
The firm’s UK travelers reduced travel-related CO2 emissions by 6 percent
between 2007 and 2019 in spite of the business more than doubling in size over
that period, but Avery feels he could achieve even more with good data.
“One of the challenges with where we are now is how do we
help our people make environmentally friendly decisions?” Avery said. “We don’t
provide anything at point of sale to help travelers. First, we need to ask ‘do
you need to travel?’ but then it doesn’t say ‘these are your choices and their
differentiation in terms of sustainability.’ I think we could get 10 [percent]
to 20 percent carbon reductions just by getting the right data to share with
the traveler at point of sale.
“Right now there is no discriminatory buying because of that
lack of point-of-sale discrimination. The only way we can move the dial is if
we can do that.”
Tallos feels exactly the same pain. “Our travelers are coming
to us asking how they can do the right thing,” he said. “We’re not in the right
place to help them at point of purchase to make the right decision. We can’t
message what is a wiser choice.”
Pressurizing Suppliers to Go Greener
Avery finds that “getting emissions data from airlines is a
challenge.” He presses them for average emissions per passenger per route but
it is rarely forthcoming.
Hewitt encourages buyers to keep pestering. “There is almost
an immediate response from carriers that it’s too complicated,” she said, “but
it would be helpful if travel managers put pressure on airlines to give them
the data to make better decisions. It applies pressure on them to upgrade their
fleets earlier than they would do purely for financial reasons.”
That’s only one way in which corporate customers can
influence their suppliers. Hewitt believes clients should set out the
environmental standards they expect of suppliers, for example by urging
airlines not to resist being included in global net zero commitments.
Customer pressure also exerts a subtler kind of influence,
which is on internal politics within suppliers. “Making connection with
sustainability teams at suppliers is vital,” said Microsoft’s Fidler. “It’s
almost giving a green light to those teams to go further with their initiatives
if they have clients who say ‘this is important.’”
Avery is seeing the influence begin to tell. “We give
suppliers feedback on how they compare environmentally to their peers,” he
said. “We invite them to speak to our sustainability people about why they have
been scored in that way. You can tell how interested they are by their
response. We’ve seen the quality of responses improve: We now have
sustainability people completing the surveys, not salespeople.”
Supplier engagement on sustainability has the potential to
go even deeper than that. One of the most striking examples is the declaration
Microsoft made in October 2019 on paying a premium for sustainable aviation
fuels equating to the total volume used on all flights undertaken by its
employees on flights between the U.S. and Netherlands with KLM and Delta Air
Lines. Microsoft and KLM have also committed jointly to other sustainable
travel initiatives.
For Fidler, the priority remains avoiding travel where not
required, but, she said, that’s not enough. “The elephant in the room is that
aircraft are still taking off even if your company’s not on them,” she said.
That’s why, in her view, a modern approach to sustainability is to work with
suppliers to be less polluting, not to shun them. Helping to finance a
transition to biofuels is one example of what Fidler calls, “supporting early
But how much influence can any single corporate client exert
on its own? Tallos wants to see buyers working together, especially through
industry associations. “Pressing suppliers to go greener is an impossible quest
unless customers take collective action,” he said. “Suppliers’ relative
dependence on a single customer is marginal, thus their relative willingness to
listen to is also very limited.”
Choice of Transport Mode Outweighs Choice of Supplier
However one cuts its, until the means by which aircraft are
propelled change radically, greening the supply chain can only go so far when
that supplier is an airline. “It’s worth trying, although switching to rail
will nearly always give you a better outcome,” said Hewitt. “I’ve never seen
evidence of a route that is more efficient by plane. Generally, emissions are
reduced 90 percent when travelling by rail rather than air.”
To return to Susterra’s London-Glasgow example, making the
journey by train causes emissions of 0.05kg of CO2 per kilometre compared with
0.23kg when flying from Gatwick or 0.33kg when flying from London City, and
that’s even before number of passengers (much greater on a train) is taken into
But Western Europe, China and Japan are perhaps the only
places where rail is a consistent alternative to air, and even then only for
journeys of a few hours. On most routes, if travel is deemed necessary, a more
sophisticated approach to supplier management remains the only means of
reducing environmental impact.
Hotels: A Tricky Category for Sustainable Procurement
If data opacity makes sustainable procurement hard enough
for the airline category, double that and add a nought on the end for
accommodation. “Hotels are far more complex than transportation,” said
Microsoft’s Julia Fidler. Making like-for-like comparisons between suppliers is
fraught with difficulty. For example, newer hotels are more energy-efficient but
weighed against that is the energy required to build a new property when
established alternatives exist.
As a result, said Fidler, “I certainly don’t know any single
accreditation you can apply globally and that you could ask hotels to work
Nevertheless, Microsoft makes what efforts it can. It shares
hotels’ sustainability initiatives with travelers and carries out environmental
reviews at chain level. Perhaps most importantly in the short term, Microsoft
is trying to fix the data problem by asking hotel suppliers to commit to the
Carbon Disclosure Project, whose mission is to persuade suppliers to provide
data and set science-based emissions reduction targets.
Daniel Tallos is another buyer stymied by lack of
standardization but trying to effect change, for example by including the
Global Business Travel Association’s standard questions on sustainability in
his company’s most recent hotel RFP. “We are moving towards a point where, if
they don’t answer our questions in a meaningful manner, we won’t work with
them,” Tallos said.