Voice of the Traveler

A Shift to Traveler-Centric Management

"Our goal is to show the industry that if you will listen to your travelers and build a program around that, you don't have to worry about compliance," said Festive Road managing partner Caroline Strachan. That may be an uncomfortable proposition for companies that have approached travel management from a rules-centric, cost-saving position. As managed travelers have more choice, companies are moving slowly toward a traveler-centric model... KEEP READING

Travel Program Opportunities

Click through to each article to read about Traveler Happiness survey results, what business travelers of all stripes told BTN reporters, and to dig into the data yourself.

No Policy, No Service

A little bossiness may be a good thing. Consider that no group of business travelers is less happy than those who have no travel policy or a policy in... KEEP READING

Road Warrior Rules

Road warriors are a different breed. They tend to like the travel. Some feel energized by it. Others say it makes them feel important. Successful road... KEEP READING


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