Race From Transaction Fees Remains Close to Starting LineTravel management companies and consultants alike are expressing frustration that the needle has not... KEEP READING
Nobody Likes TMC Transaction FeesOp-Ed: Partnership Travel Consulting's Andy Menkes lays out the problems with travel management... KEEP READING
Business Travel News fielded the 2023 TMC Reboot surveys from Feb. 2-27 on the SurveyMonkey platform. For the survey of travel buyers, BTN via email solicited responses from subscribers to BTN, BTN Europe and BTN’s newsletters. A total of 176 qualified
respondents answered the survey. For the survey of travel management company executives, BTN editors identified relevant parties and invited them to complete the survey. A total of 32 qualified respondents answered that survey. For both surveys, notevery
respondent answered every survey question. BTN editors used the SurveyMonkey platform to collect and analyze results. In the charts in this issue, not all figures add up to 100 due to rounding.